What Can You Do with YoraHome 1/4" Router Bits?

What Can You Do with YoraHome 1/4" Router Bits?

What Can You Do with YoraHome 1/4" Router Bits?

If you are lucky enough to have already one of the ranges of YoraHome carving machines, 3018-Pro, Mandrill 3036, or SilverBack 6060, you probably already have a range of router bits.

Now, you can get yourself the YoraHome 1/4" Router Bits Kit!

This set of 5 bits will take you to the next level of carving.

So, what can they actually do? I set up a simple test in Easel to show what each bit would do.

1/4” Corn Milling Bit

Corn Mill Bits go by several names, Roughing End Mills, Hog Mills and so on. They have numerous serrations to remove large amounts of material, the cutting edges are very sharp, reducing cutting resistance, and allowing high-speed cutting, giving a quick rough finish with low vibration, which will then be fine finished with another bit.

This type of bit does generate a bit of dust.

But, a quick vac and you can see exactly how it has cut.

1/4” Flat Nose Bit

Flat Nose Bits are great general-purpose tools and used very commonly. They can deliver 90-degree corners and produce sharp edges at the bottom of the cuts. Flat Nose Bits or Square End Bits can be suitable for both roughing and finishing applications.

You can see the actual edges of the pockets are sharp.

1/4” Ball Nose Bit

Ball Nose Bits or Round Nose Bits have a rounded end which makes a nicer surface finish which makes them ideal for 3D contouring as they leave nice, rounded edges. (Quick Tip – use a roughing end mill to remove large areas of material then finish off with the Ball Nose.)

You can notice the edges of the pockets are now rounded.

1/4” Tapered Ball Nose Bit

Tapered ball-nose end-mills are commonly used cutters for deep CNC carving. Due to their tapered profile, they are much stronger than a straight wall tool with the same end diameter but are able to remove large amounts of material in one pass.

You can see that the smaller end size does mean a “slimmer” cut.

1/4” V-Shape Bit (60 degree)

V-bits or Engraving Bits produce a “V” shaped pass and are used for engraving, particularly for making signs. The small angles and tips provided on these V-shaped engraving bits are able to produce narrow cuts and small, delicate engraving of lettering and lines.

OK this example doesn’t show it at its best, but it does generate smaller thinner lines.

Doing a comparison across all 5 bits, you can see the differences. You can see the differences that each style produces, from the Corn Mill end on the left, then Flat Nose, Round Nose, Tapered Nose and on its own the V-Shape bit (bit of wood wasn’t long enough).

I must say at this point, this was done as a very quick test. Have a look at the simulation from Easel, yes that really does say 2 minutes.

The speed and feed rates shown are what I used on my YoraHome Mandrill CNC Router 3036 which I could then adjust with the Control Box. You would need to adjust for your own machine.

You will find that these bits will run faster and deeper than what you are used to, but take your time, try your settings first, do not over stress your machine.

Oh and by the way, the 1/4” bits might just fit into the 6mm collet from the YoraHome CNC High Carbon Steel Extension Rod Collets (7 Pcs) if you’ve already got them.

But for a perfect fit, you can get the YoraHome 1/4" ER11 Spring Collet.

Surfacing Bit

Not content with the five standard 1/4" bits, YoraHome also have available a Surfacing Bit that has a 1/4" shank as well.

To explain exactly how this bit is used, imagine you have your piece of material that you want to carve and when you check it, it's not completely flat – like that ever happens…..

Obviously when using log slices for example. they are not square in shape, but you would set it up in Easel to cut the square shape to encompass the piece of material.

Depending on how “un-flat” the piece is, you would adjust the depth of cut to achieve a flat piece. You may even need to flatten both sides.

You might need a slightly smoother surface, as the stepover as standard in Easel is 40%, on 1 mm end mills, this is still very close together, with a surfacing bit of 7/8", 40% is not so far off half an inch.

To adjust the stepover to make the cuts closer together click on Machine, then General Settings.

Adjust Step Over to your choice, I went with 10 %.

This makes a much smoother finish.

There is also a great way to use the surfacing bit. If you wanted to try making valet trays, just look what it makes possible very easily.

A quick dust off and this isn’t too far off being ready for a smooth and seal.

This is just so easy to achieve and looks so cool.

You can draw your own dog paw or whatever you choose and import the image into Easel.

Set your material size and thickness.

Set the cut depth, this will depend on how deep you want the dish parts to be.

Set the Cut Settings, again I was using my YoraHome Mandrill CNC Router 3036 and could adjust my speed with the Control Box. You would need to adjust for your own machine.

Then, all that’s left to do is carve!

YoraHome has done it again with amazing additions to their inventory, get yourself some 1/4" bits  and show what you are now capable of doing with these fabulous CNC router machines, endmills and accessories.

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